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Our solutions – your benefits – AQUAFIX concrete grease separators
Concrete settling tanks and separators have the shape of a standing cylinder. The tank is made of concrete of class min. C35/45 concrete with a monolithic structure to guarantee the tightness of the unit, topped with a cover plate with a Class D400 manhole. Concrete tanks are designed for the treatment of wastewater containing grease and oils of plant and animal origin, as well as sludge. AQUAFIX concrete sumps and grease traps are protected inside by a special coating that protects against the aggressive action of organic fats and their decomposition product.
Monolithic concrete construction
High load class – up to D400
Deep installation possible without relief plate
Tanks made of concrete of minimum class C35/45
Separators integrated with the settling tank
Can be increased by means of a superstructure
Construction of AQUAFIX concrete grease separators
Concrete grease separators are equipped as standard with an inlet element with deflector and a siphoned outlet element. Transport loops are attached to the tanks to facilitate unloading and loading.
Application areas for concrete grease separators
AQUAFIX concrete grease separators are dedicated to outdoor installation in places where food and drink establishments operate, such as commercial buildings (shopping malls), public spaces or sports facilities.